Gioia Tauro Port AutorityGioia Tauro Port Autority

Autorità di Sistema Portuale dei
Mari Tirreno Meridionale e Ionio

/Port of Gioia Tauro/Port Security

Port Security

For the development of the port was crucial for economic operators a high standard of safety, so it is provided to the implementation of port security legislation called the "International Ship and Port Facility Security Code" (ISPS) which contains rules aimed at preventing attacks of terrorism against the ship or port infrastructure.


From the structural point of view, an important project engineering of port security has been realized by a temporary consortium which has as its parent company IBM Italy SpA with the objective of:

  • build the physical infrastructure of the system of active and passive safety;

  • develop the smart component of interconnection and data processing system of port security.

In the port of Gioia Tauro is a service of Surveillance and control carried out by a single shareholder company, formed from the same Port Authority, known as "Gioia Tauro Port Security SrL" having its registered office at the offices of the Port Authority with functions:

  • check the documentation the purposes of access in the port of the authorized peoples; monitoring of areas and port facilities in common use through the detections;

  • execution of regular patrols within the port for system monitoring;

  • specific security operations.




AMM/Nucleo Port Security

Indirizzo Porto di Gioia Tauro

email [email protected]

Tel. Varco GT 0966/767633

Tel. Varco KR 0962905705

Tel. Varco Corigliano 0983/878055

Fax 0966765446